Rome total war 2 archers
Rome total war 2 archers

rome total war 2 archers

I like the picture, it really illustrates the differences between Regular, War, and Armoured Elephants. Model_spritecarthage, 60.0, data/sprites/carthage_carthaginian_big_elephant_crew_sprite.spr Model_spritecarthage, 60.0, data/sprites/carthage_carthaginian_elephant_crew_sprite.spr Texturecarthage, data/models_unit/textures/unit_carthage_light_archer_carthag e.tga Quoted from Andalus:If you want a little more spice, you can use the archer texture used with Armoured Elephants.I looked them up, and the unit_carthage_light_archer_carthage.tga is being used by both the War Elephants and Armoured Elephants. For instructions on how to change I'd recommend taking a look at A Guide To Creating New Units by SubRosa. However, they don't have a unit card yet so they use the generic one and they look like the archers Numidia gets.

rome total war 2 archers

Recruit "carthaginian archer" 0 requires factions Ĭarthage will now be able to use Archers in both the campaign and custom battles. In all four lists of units that can be trained there find the following line: Inside you'll find the information for all buildings. Now go to RTW\data\export_descr_buildings.txt. Model_spritecarthage, 60.0, data/sprites/numidia_carthaginian_archer_sprite.spr Texturecarthage, data/models_unit/textures/unit_carthage_light_archer_numidia.tga

rome total war 2 archers

You can just use the texture and sprites from numidia. Change the faction on that line to Carthage. Now you'll have to add a new texture line and a new model_sprite line. Model_spritenumidia, 60.0, data/sprites/numidia_carthaginian_archer_sprite.spr Model_flexidata/models_unit/unit_carthage_archer_lowest.cas, max Model_flexidata/models_unit/unit_carthage_archer_low.cas, 40 Model_flexidata/models_unit/unit_carthage_archer_med.cas, 30 Model_flexidata/models_unit/unit_carthage_archer_high.cas, 15 Texturenumidia, data/models_unit/textures/unit_carthage_light_archer_numidia.tga Skeletonfs_semi_fast_archer, fs_semi_fast_dagger Inside it you'll see entries for each unit in the game. Stat_sec 3, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, knife, 25 ,1 Stat_pri 7, 1, arrow, 120, 30, missile, archery, piercing, none, 25 ,1 Now add "carthage" to the end of this line, so you get this:Īttributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap Find the entry for carthaginian archer and the line that says "ownership". Star by opening RTW\data\export_descr_unit.txt.

rome total war 2 archers

Be sure to make a backup of each file before you edit it, so you always have a backup to fall back to if something goes wrong. You can give Carthage archers by changing some of the game files. Thread title changed to be more descriptive & moved to Game Modification & Editor Discussion.

Rome total war 2 archers